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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  January 17, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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>> live and at large on the effort to bring calm to chaos in earthquake ravaged haiti. i am geraldo rivera. as the twin efforts to bring disaster assistance and huma humanitarian l relief continues the tempers are growing short as time goes by and survivors continue in the rubble. and in the midst of anarchy, frantic efforts to help orphans already approved for american adoptions unite with the loving parents who want only to love and nurture them. tonight the good, the bad and the ugly in a nation that tuesday became a coffin for tens of thousands and hell on earth for hundreds of thousands more. >> welcome back to the busiest,
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noise iest airport on the planet earth port-au-prince, the ravaged capital of haiti, a nation where tens of thousands of dead bodies have been recovered, hundreds of thousands of people are homeless where anarchy and violence on the streets is increasing even as the vast epic relief and recovery efforts, the compassion of the world is mustered t to hp these embattled people. they have become truly refugees in their own land as bill hemmer reports. >> we are three miles from your location today. we found the parts here it would be the equivalent of central park in new york or the mall in washington, d.c. there are 50,000 haitians sleeping here day and night going back to
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tuesday night. the red coulds tells us there were 40 plus places that have literally held up human names. this is the only place they have to go for now shelter is a major concern. as you well know throughout the city of port-au-prince. we are with the florida rescue team there's a supermarket talked about they pulled three hishians they were alive. they thought they would have pretty good success throughout the day. there are rescues still taking place 6 days after the quake. there still is hope here in haiti. we talked to some of the americans who came here to help the people and they have seen disasters of all kind throughout theen tire world. the biggest problem they see in haiti is the sheer magnitude of the disaster. there are too many jobs to do, too many to get done. they say you give us a job we will make sure it happens to you. there are still so much need throughout the city today.
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we have seen more heavy duty equipment that's a good sign. moving more debris off the main road operated the haitians. we have seen more haitian police officers not many but a few relative to the previous days that's quite an increase. we saw very few in the previous five days we have been here. kwef seen asian soldiers. the lines went clear down the streets. teachers were not releaved because of the heat around here. essentially they are refugees in their own hometown. geraldo, back to you. >> let's go to kimberly guilfoyle my colleague in new york. she has a special guests who have chronicled what happened here. kimberly? >> thanks, geraldo. in studio we have two documentary filmmakers who were
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actually present during the earthquake and felt it and were able to witness the ravr vajs and they have caught that on tape. we are lucky enough to have that film footage for you. we will introduce them to you john and roman. thank you for being here with us. you were there when the quake happened, you were there for five days? >> we yes we got there on sund. before the quake hit we were sitting eating lunch with a member of our film john and took us three seconds to realize an earthquake was going to hit. it was the last thing on our mind. we went outside made sure the orphans were safe and went outside and started filming as soon as. what we saw was extremely disturbing. they were screaming in the streets and praising jesus. >> how much time passed from the earthquake hit and this
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happened? >> this is literally 5 minutes after it happened. this is 30 minutes from the quake. >> were you able to see the destruction as it was happening? >> it was tebl. there were 10-15 homes in our community that completely collapsed. we went to one individual home a pastor a friend his home crushed on top of him. he was killed immediately. neighbors were using bare hands, pickaxes anything they could use to pull his body out. >> you wanted to help people but you wanted to document it as well. what did you do? >> first thing we did is run outside. we tried to make sure the kid were okay safely okay the orphans. we went outside and people were panicking. we knew we had to document this experience so we went down the streets and filmed it. >> what about the children, what were youable to see with them, how were they handling this the
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extent of the injuries. >> that was one of the most disturbing thing for me. it wasn't physical trauma but you can see in their eyes the emotional trauma. all they could hear with the walls all around were the screaming of family members friends and neighbors. the world was crumbling around them. i think it symbolizes the psychological trauma the country of haiti is going through right now. >> have you been able to, we see this woman here who is yelling out, were you able to keep in touch to find out what happened to any of these people, what was going on in the orphanage they were able to get help? >> all of the orphans are safe as roman said. john dubon who is a true hero in this situation went out saving dead bodies in the street he said he's worried not only for the few taur of the country but for orphans. the supplies are running low. they won't have enough food to make it through the week. >> are you planning ongoing back? >> eventually we are planning to go back.
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it's a situation we are not sure if we are going to be able to get will. as john said the conditions were worsening as they were leaving. the gas stations had thousands of people lined up for gas, banks were closed markets were closed. i can image it only got worse after we left. >> we saw the destruction and supplies are not getting to the people that need them. so the supply chain breaking down as well. gentlemen, thank you for being here with us and showing your compelling film. >> thank you so much. >> back to you, geraldo. kimberly we tour an inten place an incredibly sad place but a hopeful place. the u.n.'s trauma center, here it is. >> doctor tell us what the facility is? >> this is the first hospital unit that waudz in true operation in haiti after the
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earthquake. >> the child has been treated. describe the injuries we are seeing by and large. >> basically what you are seeing when you walk around thighs are mostly open leg fractures for patients who have been buried under rubble for days. there's approximately 200 patients in these two hospitals that you will see, but in reality this is happening all over the country. >> when the earthquake hit boiling water fell on this filed? >> hoy is the baby going to be? will the baby be okay? >> we hope so. we just changed the dressing. she has burns over much of her tore so. we need to make sure she drinks and stays well hydrated. she does have a little fever so we have to prevent against infection as well. >> i am going on approximately the 5th day today. last night i had 7 hours of sleep most of us are in the same
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boat with you we are trying to do it in shifts as more healthcare workers come from the university of miami. we are able to do that we will be able to control the exhaustion rate. >> all right. here's dr. ginsburg live. here's part 3 with the philanthropist that makes it all happen. why do you care, why are you so generous to haiti? >> i was coming home. i have been here 20-years and i am committed to the health and wellness of haiti creating infrastructure and sustainable programs. when that happened a call for help came out and we were the first doctors to land in the united states and we established a beach head and now the calvary has arrived from every where. we are committed to haiti. i was here two webbings a -- wes ago with the president for the
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first critical care hospital. unfortunately the disaster came before they were ready for it. >> thank for your generosity. introduce yourself and tell me why so many medical professionals risk so much to come here? >> it's a terrible tragedy. we are here because we want to save lives, kids lives, baby's lives adults lives. it's a real war zone as far as the casualties are concerned. we are here to help as many people as we can. we have a team of doctors working together from university in miami and the fact that we are able to make a difference and save lives is really why we are doctors in the first place. >> thank you for everything you do. especially you dr. ginsburg. we went to the orphanage we told you about in the first hour desperate staff, children,
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looters, craig and jonathan hunt were there earlier in the day they made the call out to get help from the orphanage. before we go there live here is craig arriving with the first of the relief for that orphanage. let's roll craig. >> what is the conditions here? >> we don't have formula for the babies. we have babies they are younger than 1. we have water for only two-days. drinking water. >> we brought some water for you. >> praise god, thank you so much. >> we need medicine for them because the water we use was not too good and we have medicine. we need some security here, too. we were visited twice already by
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looters. >> looters in desperate need create security hazard. they started bringing the water we procured at the air base and already people are coming around they are trying to get in, they are trying to grab some water. there's only so much to go around. >> the children are crying because they couldn't put the cap back on the water bottle. they are trying to preserve the water they have. they had some water distributed but not pure water they were coming out of tankers and as a result some of the children have diarrhea which can be very dangerous. >> we will go to craig live at the orphanage. let me take a quick break. hopefully the planes will fly off and come back with more
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bounty for the people of haiti who need it so desperately. we will be right back after this.
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>> we establish our audio connection with him, we are going to have a live report from the orphanage where craig rivera is. he's trying to show us the children that have been adopted by some of the families in denver. do we have that shot now, christina? craig is there. craig, can you hear me? >> yes, i hear you kimberly. >> set the scene for us there. we are looking at all of the children sleeping.
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>> kimberly, this orphanage the house of the children of god, it's really a microcosm of what's going on in haiti. we are only 5 minutes from that airport with those stocks of supplies with water and food and medicine these children desperately need. the problem is getting the medical supplies, the food here. we had, you know, as a result of jonathan hunt's report and our reporting, some aid organizations did come here. the salvation army came here today. they did deliver some formula to the babies but it was a one-day supply. a one-day supply is not enough for these kids. these kids are in desperate need. they are about to run out of food and water and formula and diapers and all of the other essentials that these children need. pierre, tell me how long you can exist in the condition that things are right now?
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>> for only five days, maximum. >> five days, that's just from what you have, from some of the things that we brought. now even the doctors that were able to come here and examine the children, thank god they got here. they didn't have any medicine with them. thanni thank god they are not severely ill. some of them have some conjunctionivitis and things but you need to keep these children going. >> as you can see we are in the dirt and they need to be sleeping in bed to make sure they are healthy. >> they are in the dirt because the buildings are so ririckityys a result of the earthquake they don't want to put the children at risk of collapse. there are after shocks.
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there have been tremors and it's a very tenuous situation. we are waiting on pins and needles for that aid to come. >> all i can think of is how many people would love to adopt these children and give them a safe home. richard and lisa harris have adopted two babies from the orphanage. they described so eloquently and passionately their emotions how they feel wanting all of those babies, all of those children to get to a place of safety. you say, craig, they have five days to survive this wills they are given help. the supplies don't seem to be getting to people that desperately need them. children should be a priority, craig. >> absolutely, kimberly. the sad part is many of these children, they have their adoption papers, the adoption papers were approved a judge.
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it's a major process that the parents have to go through to -- in order to adopt these children. they were just at the cusp of going back to a home that they desperately need about 20 in fact were going to the denver area. >> craig and kimberly, we have restored our communications here at the port-au-prince airport. i have a very special guest. i want to bring him on before the commercial break. you recognize him, he's the star of the nbc show "heroes" is jimmy john luke he plays the haitian on "heroes". we will talk to jimmy john louie right after this. if you have overactive bladder
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>> jiminy john louie the haitian
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way>> today where i used to live i saw bodies burned doing that every two hours. it's devastating. that's without saying the state of the country, every where you go the buildings are down, the houses are down, obviously you know that the palace is down, the hospitals, everything is dead. everything needs to be done again in haiti. i don't know how we are going to do it. >> where were you when you heard about the earthquake. did you aknowing the dire
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situation that existed before the earthquake, oh my god not this? >> i was at home in los angeles. when they told me, i didn't believe that it was going to be that catastrophe. haiti is very hilly and you have strong houses but then when i saw one of the first images of the palace going down i said to myself we are in real trouble, because last year one school collapsed and we couldn't take care of that. one school. now the entire city of port-au-prince collapsed. the entire city of jaqmeal collapsed. another city collapsed. i am glad to see the whole world is coming together to help
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haiti. i am very happy about the action from mr. obama. i hope that they are going to continue. we are going to press the issue from all of the other big nations, because now more than ever haiti needs the help. >> but givin' the history of corruption and anarchy the reason you established your charity to begin with, do you have confidence given the scope of this disaster and given the history of corruption that the money and the relief will get where it needs to go, that this nation can be brought back to life, the nation of your birth? >> you have to believe. you have to keep faith. you have to have hope. those organizations are here and they are trying to help. >> let me give the number of your organization before i lose the time. it's 877-574484.
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877-572-4484. >> i have to add that i am also working in association with the pan americans foundations. the american organization as well. so we are partnering so we do the best of the world. i am from here and i know the territories that need the help. they are helping me. >> jimmy jean-louis here in the lapped of his birth. commercial break. >> maybe they can be okay.
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>> i am rick folbaum. it is down to the wire in the u.s. senate race in massachusetts. the very important contest bringing the president to boston today. president obama campaigning for coakley. at one point coakley was expected to walk away from with this. some polls show her neck and neck with scott brown. brown victory would complicated passage of healthcare legislati legislation. johnson & johnson the maker of tylenol now expanding an earlier recall to go to motrin, roll aids and benadryl. some people have gotten sick from a moldly smell.
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johnson & johnson used on wooden pallets is the cause. >> how many people died in this? >> around 75 persons. it was 4:00 p.m. and something, people were eating inside. there is a bakery and people were sitting inside eating food and the building collapsed. >> who were they? >> people who come to work, you know, and so on. >> can you recover? >> no. it's impossible. it's impossible. you know, as you can see, everything cop lapsed. it's difficult. it's going to be difficult. >> every building either severely damaged or destroyed.
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nothing but rubble. what is this building? >> this is a school. we don't know how many bodies are under there. >> has any one looked? >> i don't know if any one looks. we don't know how many bodies. >> how many people died in this building? >> she said there's a lot of kids who die under there. >> look at the dynamics of this earthquake with this con treat building, the concrete not reenforced. the tremors hit on tuesday afternoon around 5:00 and what happened was not just what you see above ground, but look at the bottom. this is the pancaking of the building, the entire second floor is now sitting on the ground.
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first floor is under it crushed along with everyone who was in it. (crying) >> why is she crying? >> i don't know why she is crying. she has a sister or a daughter who died. a little boy died. >> her nephew? >> her nephew. >> it's not all grim as the intensity goes. take us away and tell us a story of a happy ending despite all of the odds. jonathan? >> geraldo, we told you last night about the urban search and rescue quads from florida and from the police and fire departments of new york city who
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have been told about voices coming from the collapsed rubble of a four-story, what was a four-story shopping mall. they rushed to that location yesterday afternoon and they have worked through the night trying to keep contact with the voices trying to find survivors. we joined those teams at dawn today. here is what we saw. >> urban search address cue teams from florida and new york city have been here for something like 15 hours now trying to rescue as many as five people they believe are trapped alive if you can believe it up in those stories of this collapsed building. it was four stories. the trapped people were in a grocery store they have food and water because of that. that is what has kept them alive so far. >> the teams have brought out 2 people including a 7-year-old girl. they are hoping to bring out more in the next few hours. >> here is the third survivor
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from the situation, a 54-year-old woman we are told she has some injuries. she is concerned about her health. but she is doing an incredible circumstances incredibly well. >> now that woman, geraldo, told her rescuers she lived in pembroke pines, florida. extraordinary miracle she should be brought out alive. she and the others who were brought out alive from that building only were able to survive because they were in the gloe grocery store when the shopping mall collapsed. they were able to reach out amid the rubble and find the food and liquids that could keep them alive for nearly five days after the earthquake stuff. a miracle of life amidst etch death. >> jonathan hunt reporting from haiti. thank you for that report. this goes perfectly into the
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next segment. todd price working with oc ministry sz in houston and noted forensic pathologist dr. baden joins me in new york. let's talk about this. the silver lining they are still finding people alive. it has to be a search and rescue mission still. >> this is still a rescue mission because the body is amazing. the human body is amazing. people can live without food or water for more than two weeks. remember terry shief v hig schi lived for 14 days. the silver lining is since 1492 when columbus claimed haiti for spain, this haitian people have been o oppresoppressed. up now maybe they will be able to rebuild and to have a better future as they rebuild
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port-au-prince. >> spain, france and now their own government which created some of the problems they are suffering here. dr. price tell us about the efforts. you are putting together amassing supplies and team to go to haiti. >> yes,>> just a correction. i am an infectious disease doctor not a neurosurgery gone. per putting together nurses and doctors probably few weeks beyond just because my infectious disease specialty will be a problem. we have supplies going through dominican republic going through jamaica and hopefully directly to haiti to give them supplies. we hope sometime in the future in addition to the team to also provide vaccinations which are
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so desperately needed. >> where to you set up so you can have the hp you need and have a central location? >> we are going to see how the situation goes? i have a friend heading to dominican republic and then other teams going in. we have doctors we are in contact with directly in haiti. we have plan a, plan b, plan c. we have to see how it goes. >> how much time will you be able to commit to those in haiti? >> depends on the need. if the need is great we have many of the doctors and healthcare professionals are on their way and in there in haiti right now. depends on the need. could be days, could be weeks. depends on the situation. it could be several trips. in fact we have had very many people who help us i am in a
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nonprofit and we have business leaders and we have hospital system oral her man hospital apache corporation who has helped us gathering funds and other supplies and other means perhaps even planes to get into the country. >> the need is going to be great for certain parts. >> i think, kimberly as the doctor said infectious diseases are going to come mostly from -- much of it from dirty water. contaminated waters are going to cause diarrhea, typhoid fever, dysentery that kills children. >> cholera? >> cholera is a possibility. to get the clean water from the airport to the haitians is more important now than getting food for them. they have to get clean water otherwise the diseases kill more people even than the trauma can develop. >> what about for the children
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because the fear of dehydration with dysentery we saw that already happening. >> they are thirsty add drinking water that isn't clean. the infrastructure so bad the sue ewage probably leaked into water supply. what they are drinking is water with loads of bacteria that is going to cause severe infectious diseases that it is important to have the infectious diseases over there. >> bodies contract mosquitos. >> geraldo rivera live in port-au-prince. stay with us. this is the card that bought the saw... that cut the lumber... that built the extra space i needed to store more produce... that she sold to me to make my menu more organic. introducing ink from chase.
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the images from haiti are heart-breaking-- homes, hospitals, and schools destroyed; >> the images from haiti are heartbreaking homes hospitals and schools are destroyed. families searching for loved ones parents trying to feed
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their children, but we can all do something. we can help the american red cross as it delivers the food, water and medicine that can save lives. donate $10 by texting haiti to 90999. visit or call 1-800--red-cross. thanks for your help. >> yes, i think in the haiti earthquake, ladies and gentlemen, the words of rahm emanuel we have another crisis simply too good to waste. this will play right into obama's hands, humanitarian, compassionate, they will use this to burnish their shall we sacredibility with the black community light skinned and dark skinned black community in this country. it's made the order for them. that's why he couldn't wait to get out there.
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>> the hec haitian people they desperate shape. before they were in desperate shape they were on their way to building a mod were society. i was on the way to help them. i love the country. every american has been heartbroken by what has happened. it doesn't do us any good to waste any time in what is in my opinion a fruitless and pointless conversation frm>> now is not the time to focus on politics. it's time to focus on helping people. you got people who are childre lost their parents, people wondering whether they are going to be able to drink water. >> joining me to discuss the fallout from rush bim law's controversial comments kirsten powers and lynn abo lynn >> i wish you were geraldo sitting here so i could complain to him. geraldo, stop asking me about rush' statements i made
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controversial statements, too. >> continue to be controversial. >> the only thing i would say and i don't think there's any fallout because it's the first i have even heard of this. i know geraldo made us talk about this tonight. on another news station with viewers all they have been doing is comparing the obama response to this to bush's response to katrina. i think this is what rush is responding to. >> you don't think there's any problem with what rush had to say? >> i couldn't hear it that well. i am indignant and i have to respond to what rush said. >> last week we will ask you to respond to what you said. >> ask him to respond. >> i think what he said was kind of sick. i don't understand the idea that an earthquake where a bunch of people are suffering and dying that somehow obama is excited about it is sort of what he implied. this was made to order, this is something he can go out -- the idea also that he needs to get
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more support in the back community he has 150 percent in the black community. it was bizarre and disrespectful to people who are suffering. but he's rush limbaugh and he says things and he gets attention. that's sort of his stick. >> he doesn't shy away from controversial statements. he calls it like he sees it much like this lady here. >> liberals are comparing it to katrina in rush. >> it's much like katrina people are comparing how is it going handled and what is the country doing to respond, were we quicker did we do more to help the haitians than we did to help our own people in the u.s. >> can we get through the shame and embarrassment of bill clinton being involved in the by partisan effort? >> why not. >> it's not like there aren't any other ex democratic presidents. as long as there aren't any jews in haiti jimmy carter would be better than the horny hick.
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>> why couldn't geraldo have done this interview? >> i think he should ask rush about what i had to sigh th to week. this isn't your average ex democrat. it's not walter mondale. he's a national embarrassment to force poor ex president bush to be hanging around with bill clinton who is leaving his essence on kleenex for the white house to clean -- m>> okay. >> if you are embarrassed by it shouldn't have him on a by partisan commission. >> i think a lot of democrats would say it's an embarrassment for bill clinton to be with george w. bush. >> tell the truth what do you think? >> i actually don't think that. i am saying a lot of people see it that way and more importantly the ex president clinton for all of the issues that i might have with him i did work in his white house i still have issues with him, i think he's a good humanitarian.
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>> how is this a bad thing for them to try to help and raise money and get involved? >> i don't think it's bad. i think he's the perfect person for it. i think it's nice to see two ex presidents together. like i said he has a good track record of being a humanitarian. >> why not jimmy carter and bush? this is embarrassing. >> give peanuts to haiti. we have to get back to geraldo rivera in port-au-prince after the break. don't go anywhere.
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>> we are back live at the port-au-prince airport.
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i have to say i know i will get in trouble for it because i know many of you if not most of you agree with me he's a shameless person and if he saw it down here and he would still accuse the president of opportunism i don't think that would be possible. we have samaritan's purse here. we thought we would slip him in. it didn't happen. can you in your biggest voice what samaritan's purse is going the good work you are doing here? >> we are a christian organization that helps people in need around the world following disasters. we have been here 24-hours after the incident and since that time opened up operations in a hospital, 100 bed hospital and have been seeing people that have been there for two-days and now they are coming in.
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we are working out of the mission hospital and had good coordination with them. we are bringing in doctors, nurses, medical supplies. >> i have heard great things about your organization. next time we will do the show from one of your hospitals, because you really are doing righteous work. you are making everyone, regardless of their religious faith look at the christian mission and say, you really are doing god's work. really? i want to say god bless you. you are really fan it is tick. >> thank you. i think you are really able to show how people can help people if you can go to one of those places. >> colonel, it's the man responsible for all of this. believe it or not, he has brought order to the chaos, all those aircraft that couldn't get in because they were crowding one over the other now seeing aircraft coming in from all different nations, all different
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languages, all different types of aircraft, all different cargos, colonel hura is the man who heads the air force contingency response group and colonel, how daunting has this task been and give it to me in your biggest voice? >> it has been a task. >> the columbians are leaving. >> beautiful. it's been a daunting task. we have done a few things, with the haiti government we stood up the haiti flight operation flight center which allows us to put priorzation on spot time so we can control the movement of the aircraft coming into the field so they are not stacking up in the airspace or on the ground here. we were able to get 100 missions into the field here at port-au-prince which is pretty good compared to some of the major airports in the united stat states. >> how many planes does this
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airport normally handle? >> maybe 12-15 depending on the size. >> 12-15 aircraft a day to almost 200 flights a day. >> 100. >> how many are you doing -- what's your max flights? how many? >> 100 right now. >> 100 flights a day. >> from 12-15. >> 100 flights a day thanks to the united states air force. i don't hold you responsible for the noise. you have done great work. united states army, the 82nd airborne, coast guaguard, the cutters offshore, the navy led by the strike group based on the carlton the aircraft carrier. it is amazing and the marines, every one of the armed forces uniformed services are here doing the best that america can possibly do. before i say good night, i want to go back to brother craig at
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the orphorphanage. give us one more minute on what's happening there. >> well, you know, geraldo, everyone is sleeping right now, but we talked a lot about the bad that's happening, but what we should -- can talk about is also the good the fact that the planes are coming behind you 24-hours a day, enormous worldwide effort, relief from all over the world. entrepreneurs flying in on the leer jets donating their time, donating their money. hopefully we can unleash that log jam so the little babies like the harris babies can get to their adoptive parent and the rest of the children can get their hap help and haiti can ge stood up once again, geraldo. >> all right, craig, kimberly, i want to thank you and the rest of our fox news colleagues. they have done as good or a better job than any news
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organization here on the ground. some of the best reporters trying hour hardest to let you know the truth about what's happening here in a fair and balanced way. let's all pray for the haitian people, let's feel good about the compassionate generosity of the american people and let's watch this effort here at the port-au-prince airport and feel good about it. thank you very much for watching, ladies and gentlemen. good night and god bless. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. the cleaner you feel. olay deep cleansers go beyond what the eye can see. they remove 2 times more dirt and make-up than basic cleansing. for a deep clean feeling, deep cleansers from olay.
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